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I am sure that you have seen breakfast cereals that claimed to be enriched with iron. You may have thought that the manufacturer added some extract from spinach or liver, but the actual ingredient may surprise you.
This week's experiment came to me from my good friend Bob Cox. He told me about the trick and wanted to know why it worked. It took some thought and testing to come up with a theory of what is happening and then several e-mails to experts to confirm that I was on the right track.
Often, as you watch a fireworks display, you will see a large burst that starts as one color, and then the entire burst changes to a different color. How do they do that?
Today I spent some time rebuilding a transformer for my Tesla coil. I got the idea for this experiment as I was cleaning up, trying to get the tar and grease off of my hands. Have you ever wondered why we use soap when we wash things? What is so special about soap?
Today I was so busy having fun that I put off working on this week's experiment. I had several ideas bubbling around in my brain, but nothing quite came together. Then, as I often do when I am looking for an idea, I picked up the first thing I saw and began playing with it. It happened to be a bottle of liquid soap. I turned it over and watched as the bubble rose slowly through the thick liquid. I knew that I had this week's experiment. You will need:
I have been doing shows on the Science of Fire, so I thought we would do a fire related experiment.
As with all experiments that use fire, BE CAREFUL AND SAFE. Follow proper safety procedures and think about things before you try them. You should also have another adult with you, just in case you have an accident. That way, you have someone else to blame.
For our experiment, we are going to take a look at smoke. What is smoke made of? To find out, you will need: