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The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!'
(I found it!) but 'That's funny ...' - Isaac Asimov
As you learn the process of science, wouldn't it be great to be able to watch expert scientists at work? By watching the way they approached new problems, tested ideas, and revised their views based on the evidence they collected, you could improve your understanding of how science works.
Science is an objective, self correcting method for gathering and organizing information about the natural world through repeated observation and experimentation.
Statistics play a large role in science. If I flipped this penny eight times, which of the following would be the least likely sequence? H=Heads T=Tails
I got the idea for this experiment while working on the rocks we collected recently. When we got home last weekend, we unloaded the 750 pounds of quartz crystals from our Arkansas trip onto the back patio. Then I left for Philadelphia to present some electricity shows. Today, I went out to unpack some of the boxes. We had wrapped the best crystals in newspaper, and all the newspaper that was exposed to sunlight had turned yellow. Cool! A chemical color change that happens fairly quickly, and is caused by exposure to light!
This experiment started out as a Science Photo Challenge and got such a great response that I wanted you to experiment with it yourself. It is a wonderful physic puzzle, and offers interesting insights into the science of force and motion.
To try this, you will need:
a paper plate
a marble or other small ball
Lets start with the question from the Science Photo.