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I mentioned that I had a lot of fun experimenting with carbonated soda (and drinking it) and that I should do an experiment with chocolate. I got quite a few e-mails suggesting experiments with chocolate, but this one was the most common. It has to do with the white discoloration that you sometimes find on old chocolate.
This week's experiment comes from a question that I received about which is better, AM or FM radio. As we shall see, the answer depends on what properties you are basing your answer on. As we will see, each has advantages and disadvantages.
Now that we know the proper shape and location for a rain gauge, lets take a look at what they can tell us, and why they are important.
Lets start by imagining that you put a rain gauge in your yard. After a rain, you find that there is one inch of rain in your rain gauge. We can use that to calculate how much rain fell on your yard.
In the scientific process, we should not rely on the results of a single test. Instead, we should perform the test over and over. Why? If it works once, shouldn't it work the same way every time? Yes, it should, so if we repeat the experiment and get a different result, then we know that there is something about the test that we are not considering.