This limestone is in Middle Tennessee, and contains a wide variety of fossils of ocean creatures. What kind of rock is limestone?
No. Igneous rocks are formed from molten lava or magma. -
Yes! Sedimentary rocks are made up of bits of other rocks that have been deposited by wind, water, ice, or gravity. This limestone was deposited by the ocean, making it a sedimentary rock. -
No. Metamorphic rocks have been changed by heat and/or pressure. If this limestone was exposed to tremendous heat and pressure, it could change into a metamorphic rock called marble. -
Limestone is not a rock.
No. Limestone is a naturally occurring solid that forms large layers in the Earth. It is a rock.
Click to see which state standards this question tests, and which of my videos, experiments, and other resources support that topic.
SC.4.E.6.1 Identify the three categories of rocks: igneous, (formed from molten rock); sedimentary (pieces of other rocks and fossilized organisms); and metamorphic (formed from heat and pressure).
Evaporites | video, learnalong, checked |
Igneous Rocks and Bubbles | video, free, learnalong, Updated |
Sedimentary Rocks | video, learnalong |
What is a Rock? | video, learnalong, checked |
Bioclastics: Rocks With No Minerals | video |
Homemade Fossil Dig | text page |
Foliated and Unfoliated Rocks | text page, learnalong |
Identifying Igneous Rocks | text page, learnalong |
Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Rocks | text page, learnalong |
Light and Dark Minerals | text page, learnalong |
Review Rocks-6 | practice |
Review Rocks-8 | practice |
Review Rocks-9 | practice |
Review Rocks-7 | practice |
Review Rocks-10 | practice |
Review Rocks-10 | practice |
Review Rocks-10 | practice |
Review Rocks-1 | practice |
Review Rocks-2 | practice |
Review Rocks-3 | practice |
Review Rocks-4 | practice |
Review Rocks-5 | practice |
UT.4.III.1.d Classify common rocks found in Utah as sedimentary (i.e., sandstone, conglomerate, shale), igneous (i.e., basalt, granite, obsidian, pumice) and metamorphic (i.e., marble, gneiss, schist).
Evaporites | video, learnalong, checked |
Igneous Rocks and Bubbles | video, free, learnalong, Updated |
Sedimentary Rocks | video, learnalong |
What is a Rock? | video, learnalong, checked |
Light and Dark Minerals | text page, learnalong |
Review Rocks-2 | practice |
Review Rocks-3 | practice |
Review Rocks-10 | practice |
Review Rocks-10 | practice |
UT.8.III.1.c Categorize rock samples as sedimentary, metamorphic, or igneous.
Igneous Rocks and Bubbles | video, free, learnalong, Updated |
Sedimentary Rocks | video, learnalong |
What is a Rock? | video, learnalong, checked |
Light and Dark Minerals | text page, learnalong |
Review Rocks-2 | practice |
Review Rocks-3 | practice |
Review Rocks-10 | practice |
Review Rocks-10 | practice |
MS-ESS2-1 Develop a model to describe the cycling of Earth’s materials and the flow of energy that drives this process.
Evaporites | video, learnalong, checked |
Definition of a Mineral | video, checked |
Igneous Rocks and Bubbles | video, free, learnalong, Updated |
What is a Mineral? | video, checked |
Identifying Minerals | video, learnalong |
Sedimentary Rocks | video, learnalong |
What is a Rock? | video, learnalong, checked |
The Rock Cycle | video, learnalong |
Bioclastics: Rocks With No Minerals | video |
Light and Dark Minerals | text page, learnalong |
Review Rocks-8 | practice |
Review Rocks-9 | practice |
Review Rocks-7 | practice |
Review Rocks-10 | practice |
Review Rocks-10 | practice |
Review Rocks-10 | practice |
Review Rocks-1 | practice |
Review Rocks-2 | practice |
Review Rocks-3 | practice |
Review Rocks-4 | practice |
Review Rocks-5 | practice |
Review Rocks-6 | practice |