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This is Oak Tree House at Mesa Verde National Park, built by Native Americans in the year 1250 A.D. They left no written records, and no verbal history survived, so how do we know so precisely when it was built?
The itching rash caused by Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, and other related plants is caused by a substance called urushiol. What function does urushiol serve in these plants?
In the Southeastern United States, Kudzu vines grow so fast that it seems you can almost see them grow. Still, it is not the fastest growing plant. Which plant is?
Food Web Tag is a classic game that helps people understand how food webs work, letting them see how changing one thing can cause changes across the food web. You can play with as few as 5or 6 people, but it is much better if you have at least 15. To try this, you will need: