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Annually Assessed Eigth Grade NGSS Benchmarks

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These are the 9 eigth grade benchmarks that are annually assessed on the SSA test.

SC.8.N.1.1 Define a problem from the eighth grade curriculum using appropriate reference materials to support scientific understanding, plan and carry out scientific investigations of various types, such as systematic observations or experiments, identify variables, collect and organize data, interpret data in charts, tables, and graphics, analyze information, make predictions, and defend conclusions.
What is Science? video, ClosedCaptions


Also assesses SC.6.N.1.1, SC.6.N.1.3, SC.7.N.1.1, SC.7.N.1.3, SC.7.N.1.4, SC.8.N.1.3, and SC.8.N.1.4

SC.8.E.5.3 Distinguish the hierarchical relationships between planets and other astronomical bodies relative to solar system, galaxy, and universe, including distance, size, and composition.
Making a Scale Model of the Solar System video, ClosedCaptions
Planets and Pennies video, ClosedCaptions
How Far is That Planet? text page
Review Space-3 practice
Review Space-2 practice
Review Space-10 practice


Also assesses SC.8.E.5.1 and SC.8.E.5.2.

SC.8.E.5.5 Describe and classify specific physical properties of stars: apparent magnitude
(brightness), temperature (color), size, and luminosity (absolute brightness).


Also assesses SC.8.E.5.6.

SC.8.E.5.7 Compare and contrast the properties of objects in the Solar System including the Sun, planets, and moons to those of Earth, such as gravitational force, distance from the Sun, speed, movement, temperature, and atmospheric conditions.
Making a Scale Model of the Solar System video, ClosedCaptions
Global Science video, ClosedCaptions
Planets and Pennies video, ClosedCaptions
Review Space-4 practice
Review Space-11 practice


Also assesses SC.8.E.5.4 and SC.8.E.5.8.

SC.8.E.5.9 Explain the impact of objects in space on each other including: 1. the Sun on the Earth including seasons and gravitational attraction 2. the Moon on the Earth, including phases, tides, and eclipses, and the relative position of each body.
Global Science video, ClosedCaptions
Why is a Full Moon So Bright? text page, free, checked
Review Space-13 quest
Review Space-12 practice


Also assesses SC.8.E.5.4 and SC.8.E.5.8.

SC.8.P.8.4 Classify and compare substances on the basis of characteristic physical properties that can be demonstrated or measured; for example, density, thermal or electrical conductivity, solubility, magnetic properties, melting and boiling points, and know that these properties are independent of the amount of the sample.
Candles in a Jar, part 1 video, ClosedCaptions, checked
Microscopes: Growing Crystals video, free, learnalong, Updated
Density: Ice, Oil, and Water video, checked
Wax and Wood, part 1 video, checked
Wax and Wood, part 2 video, checked
Identifying Minerals video, learnalong
Making Turmeric Paper video, checked
Testing for Tannic Acid video
Cartesian Diver video, ClosedCaptions, checked
Growing Crystals Under the Microscope video, free, learnalong, checked
Stale Bread video
Floating Bubbles video, checked
Candles in a Jar, part 2 video, ClosedCaptions, checked
Review Matter-5 practice


Also assesses SC.8.P.8.3

SC.8.P.8.5 Recognize that there are a finite number of elements and that their atoms combine in a multitude of ways to produce compounds that make up all of the living and nonliving things that we encounter.


Also assesses SC.8.P.8.1, SC.8.P.8.6, SC.8.P.8.7, SC.8.P.8.8, and SC.8.P.8.9

SC.8.P.9.2 Differentiate between physical changes and chemical changes.
Polymers and Slime video, free, ClosedCaptions, checked
Silver Pictures video, checked
Chemical and Physical Changes video, ClosedCaptions, checked
Changing Colors, part 1 video
Changing Colors, part 2 video
Making Butter video, free, ClosedCaptions, Updated
Changing How We Look at Changing text page, free
Review Matter-4 practice


Also assesses SC.8.P.9.1 and SC.8.P.9.3.

SC.8.L.18.4 Cite evidence that living systems follow the Laws of Conservation of Mass and Energy.
Thoughts on Trees text page
What is a Food Web? text page, free, checked
Review Food Web-10 practice


Also assesses SC.8.L.18.1, SC.8.L.18.2, and SC.8.L.18.3.

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