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I photographed this duck today, on my way to town. It spends a lot of its time in deep water, but does not dive for food like other deep water ducks. How does it get its food?
In 2017, the World Meteorological Organization added 12 new cloud classifications. The diagonal cloud in this photo is one of the new types. What is it?
We frequently hear in the news that bees are dying at an alarming rate, which could result in many of our food crops not being pollinated. How factual are those stories?
Our local Woodhouse's Scrub-Jays (Aphelocoma woodhouseii) have developed quite a taste for peanuts. If you watch the bird after it grabs a peanut, it will fly to a bush, hop to the ground, scratch the dirt, and then fly to another bush and repeat the process. After doing that several times, it returns for another peanut. Why does it do this?
This is scat (poop) from one of the local animals. The bluish grey things are Juniper berries, which is the clue I needed to identify the animal. What animal was it, and how do I know?