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If you have ever watched a cat preparing to pounce on its favorite toy, you may have seen it wiggle its back legs from side to side just before it leaps. Why do they do that? It would seem that the movement would alert their prey, so there has to be a good reason for the behavior. To understand that, we need to learn a bit about muscles and tendons.
This experiment comes from a recent event in the science news. Researches have discovered that cats drink in a very different way from dogs and other mammals. Now you might think that things like this had been completely explored decades or even centuries ago, but high speed photography has shown us things that we did not suspect before.
Because I post so many science photos, I get quite a few questions about photography. Some want to know what camera I use (Nikon D7000) or what editing software I use (Photoshop and Lightroom), but probably the most common questions is, "How do you manage to find so many things to photograph?"
Greetings from Johnson Canyon. The past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of good and bad, happy and sad. Summer is truly here, now that the thermometer has passed 100°F (37.8°C). Nancy's garden is blooming, attracting a variety of butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. I am still working on my sprout journal, and it should be very helpful next year when things start to sprout.