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The past few months have been a challenge, dealing with the fatigue from my bout with Epstein Barr. I am trying to get more exercise to get my strength back, so Nancy suggested that I get a new lens for my camera to encourage me to spend more time walking. My favorite telephoto lens had finally worn out about 18 months ago, so I got a new Nikkor 80-400 mm telephoto lens. I have been giving it a good workout, and REALLY like it.
If you have never made your own butter, you REALLY need to try this. It is easy to do, and very tasty. Be sure to have some fresh bread handy, because you are going to want it.
This little bird was enjoying our feeder today. In spite of their small size, these birds often dive and peck on raccoons, rabbits, squirrels, and even people. Why?
While animals with antlers shed them, and regrow them every year, animals with horns retain them for their entire life. There is one exception to this, an animal that sheds the horn sheath every year. What animal is it?